document destruction

Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed?
Paper document destruction service
with R.Pierre
Security and smart recycling!

When the documentary material stored in your archive is now obsolete and / or the conservation terms imposed by law have been exceeded, it is advisable to dispose of the archive.

R.PIERRE DIGITAL, thanks to the collaboration with certified partners, offers an archive disposal service, both in terms of compliance with privacy legislation, carried out in accordance with the regulations in force at community level, and in terms of efficiency and sustainability for your activity.

The service of collection, selection and recovery, after shredding and packaging, of the waste made up of confidential documents, requires the necessary and particular attention to protection of the data contained.
The destruction of the paper archives, documents and confidential files it is carried out in such a way that the documents are illegible and not exposed to the risk of dispersion

During the paper grinding, the client company's privacy guarantor will be able to be present throughout the process.
Once the documents are destroyed, the paper produced is sent directly to the plant for recycling.

R.PIERRE DIGITAL issues a certification of destruction, as a guarantee of secrecy and protection of privacy.

The "document destruction" service that R.PIERRE DIGITAL guarantees, thanks to the collaboration with certified partners, allows you to avoid the use of incinerators by choosing the most ecological and safest way, also from the point of view of confidentiality and disposal of paper and its initiation of a recycling procedure with a view to eco-sustainability.

The pulp comes destined for recycling for a new life. 
